Sunday, August 15, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010

Am I only person who didn't like Inception?

Here are a few things I didn't like:

A poor story for a good idea - I think the concept was cool but the story lame. Dreams with dreams is of course a neat idea and portraying them on film is not an easy task. My hat goes off to director Chris Nolan for that. The story that some uber rich company want to take down another uber rich company with some guy who misses his wife was, to me, shallow. It takes so long to get to Leonardo's character's source of pain, I already gave up on caring. What about the kids?! Who the hell is watching the kids while, on the floor hooked up to a weird Simon Says in a briefcase, Mr. Dicaprio and his wife are passed out. Of course the corporate espionage story line was ridiculous.

Super Corporate whatever - “I bought the airline.” What? you have so much disposable capital to buy a airline company but the huge company that you want to take over still is flying commercial? Couldn’t they have bought an airline company too or at least another private plane? “I make one phone call and you’re free...” What!!! So you also have the power to erase a warrant for an arrest for a fleeing murder suspect but still can’t do a hostile take over this other company? It seems that you have a lot of money, power and pull but some how that’s not enough. Who the hell is rooting for these guys to succeed?

Outrageously long gun battles - If John Woo had directed this film at least they be doing some kinda of acrobatics. Here we get only bang bang the dead guy is dead, but wait here comes another; repeat. And why only guns? These are dreams but there are no monsters, wild animals or zombies. People can conjure up some crazy things from their subconscious, yet in this film they are limited to scruffy looking guys with sub machine guns.

Slow Motion shot of the van - I think that shot is still going. Crash into the water already! The suspense has been exhausted!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

How nice is it to sleep in?

Lets give it up to Saturdays and sleeping in!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hi blog

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

more ways to hear what I am playing

My mixes are found at I also started a Blip page @

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

new mix y'all

Sweet Tart Discotheque - a mix by Soto! Soto! Soto!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

new mix out soon

Yo yo , I have been a traveling fool and need to sit down and upload this new mix I have been sitting on. Keep a look out tomorrow for downloading info.